Park Tower at Transbay Block 5
San Francisco, CA
Contract Dates: October 2016- August 2018
Description: This project involved construction of a 43-story, 872,000 sf Class A++ office building, which features two below-grade levels of parking. The building also has 14 outdoor sky decks with bay views and over 50,000 square feet of outdoor and open space. The building’s façade comprises of curtain wall with glass fins. Park Tower at Transbay was designed to achieve LEED® Gold certification.
Scope of Work: CTS’ scope of services included field and shop welding inspections, material identification, shotcrete observations, coring operations, observation of rebar for the crane foundation, observation of concrete and rebar for the foundation, observation of epoxy set bolts, concrete testing, vertical concrete placement, mat slab rebar and concrete placement, torque testing, non-shrink grout placement, concrete batch plant inspections, PT cable placement, PT stressing inspections, UT testing, nondestructive testing and floor flatness testing.