Chinese Hospital, New Hospital and Skilled Nursing Facility
San Francisco, CA
Description: CTS was awarded the special inspections and testing contract for this OSHPD-governed project involving construction, over the course of six increments, of the $150M new hospital. CTS provided both onsite and offsite special inspections and testing per applicable ASTM standards. CTS onsite inspectors and technicians worked closely with the contractor to implement all safety procedures. The 100,000 sf, acute-care replacement hospital has a 54-bed capacity and consists of 8-stories with two below ground parking levels. Existing buildings were converted to hospital support facilities, an outpatient clinic, and a skilled nursing facility. To keep the Chinese Hospital in Chinatown, the new building replaced the 1923 hospital, which was then used as a 29,793 sf medical office building and the 15,000 sf Chinese Hospital Parking Garage. A California nonprofit public benefit corporation, the new hospital was built with funding from public support and was designed to preserve the distinctive urban character, physical environment and cultural heritage of Chinatown.Scope of Work: CTS’ scope of work for this project involved mass excavation, shoring and underpinning includes geotechnical engineering field supervision, field testing and inspections of concrete (including rebar), earthwork compaction for building pad and sitework, epoxy bolts/proof load, fireproofing, and field welding as well as shop inspections involving structural steel (day and night work involved), miscellaneous steel, rebar sample and tag and batch plant. CTS also performed all laboratory testing and engineering services for this project at our Pleasanton laboratory.